JSX became a defacto standard for mixing in XML markup in JS or TypeScript source files. With a little trick it can be used for quickly creating DOM elements or for templating.
The following snippet can be dropped into a JSX file and will then make a HTMLElement of the XML markup:
var React = {
createElement: function (tag, attrs, children) {
var e = document.createElement(tag);
// Add attributes
for (var name in attrs) {
if (name && attrs.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var v = attrs[name];
if (v === true) {
e.setAttribute(name, name);
} else if (v !== false && v != null) {
e.setAttribute(name, v.toString());
// Append children
for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var child = arguments[i];
child.nodeType == null ?
doc.createTextNode(child.toString()) :
return e;
The same approach could be used to directly generate a HTML string for templating.
It is then easy to do something like:
<li class={active ? 'active' : false}>
Published on August 11, 2016